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Copy of May you discover who you were meant to be and find the courage to be her in the wo

Equipping you to live your ONE, wild, and precious life so you can empower kids to do the same! ​

The Wholehearted Child

Finally, kids have a seat at the BIG table of the Enneagram! Join me as I apply its ancient wisdom to modern day challenges... until every child knows they are brave & worthy of love and belonging!

Take the "Discover Your Dragon" Quiz

Jerome Wagner, Ph.D.

Susan Parker Jones has written a very reasoned, empathic, practical book about children and parenting. She knows the Enneagram well and it clearly informs her therapy practice. Susan has a light-hearted sensitive touch to her writing. No shaming; just explaining. For parents who want to
understand the Enneagram and their children, The Wholehearted Child is well worth a read.
-Jerome Wagner, Ph.D., (Honorary International Enneagram Association Founder)

Can you relate?


You question whether you are fit to even be around kids. You're tired and lack the confidence you so desperately need.


You find yourself in a battle for control and dont' like who you become. You've lost your true and best self in caring for others


Your child's big emotions and behavioral outburst cause you experience overwhelm and confusion about what's happening in you!

What if I told you...

There is ONE childhood story...

  • That will impact your calling over all the others.

  • That will demand your attention.

  • That requires your forgiveness.

There is ONE childhood story...

  • That needs to be validated.

  • That will influence everything.

There is ONE childhood story...

  • That could change the way you lead.

What if I told you...

That ONE childhood story is YOURS.

If you are a parent or professional leading children, yours is a high calling. 

If your like me, you may be surprised by your own reactions that seem to come out of no where.

Like so many, we do things we don't want to do, and fail to do the things we want to do! 

When it comes to failing our kids, the guilt and shame can be fierce.

We need to take a moment to come home to ourselves. To turn compassion inward.

Only then, can we be the leaders our children so desperately need.


I'm Susan Parker Jones

As a seasoned counselor and Mom, I am confident in my strategies to help children and families, but I wasn't always. I recall feeling lost as I tried to meet the needs of my kids and those I served. What I came to recognize was that my own childhood story was influencing my mindset and reactivity.

I've learned so much over the years as both a Clinician and Adoptive Mom about how to connect with myself and my children in meaningful ways so we both can be equipped to recover from childhood's "hard places."

I wrote The Wholehearted Child to empower adults to develop greater harmony within themselves, as well as the children in their lives, with an approach that applies ancient Enneagram wisdom to modern parenting challenges. I developed the WHOLEHEARTED METHOD to support the work.

Life's journey can hold a lot of "hard places", but if we take the time to rebuild harmony within ourselves, we can truly be the leaders the next generation needs.

Susan Parker Jones
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My Services include...

I work with both children and 'adult children' to overcome the impact of the "hard places" in their story. 


I offer direct counseling with a small number of children and families in my Kentucky office where parents are highly involved in the healing work of their child.

I also teach The Wholehearted Connections Masterclass online and through special engagements and trainings. 

Finally, I am happy to offer online coaching as we apply the principles of the WHOLEHEARTED METHOD to help you do the transformative work with reference to your own childhood story. 

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